Stand by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

The Goss Agency proudly stands by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe members in North Dakota who have braved tear gas, rubber bullets, and freezing temperatures to protect their drinking water and culture. The Standing Rock Sioux are currently soliciting donations for legal, sanitary, and emergency purposes to ensure the safety and well-being of the protesters. If you would like to contribute, please follow this link.


Protest Information:

What is the Dakota Access Pipeline?

Who is Protesting and Why?

#NoDAPL Protests – A Timeline of Events

Official Sioux Standing Rock Tribe Facebook Page


How You Can Help:

1. Donate to the Standing Rock Sioux
2. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List
3. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp GoFundMe Account
4. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund
5. Sign the White House petition to stop DAPL
6. Call:
- North Dakota’s Governor, Jack Dalrymple at (701)328-2200 and leave a message politely stating your thoughts
- White House at (202)546-1111 or (202)456-1414 and tell President Obama to rescind the permit to build the pipeline
- Army Corps of Engineers at (202)761-5903 and demand that they rescind the permit to build the pipeline


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