Classic Creative: Special Edition

By Jeff Goss, President/Creative Director


Have we gone full circle? In the 1940s and ’50s brands rushed to place their ads in the latest of thousands of magazines and ever-growing TV and radio broadcast stations, which soon became crowded with ads vying for the same attention. The answer came in the form of conceptual advertising — ads that communicate the key message in a clever, surprising, interesting, or compelling manner.

Things went along fine for another 40 years with intelligent, innovative advertising. Then came the new medium, the internet. Similar to the 1950s TV and magazines, advertisers thought this was the golden answer to all their marketing needs. The online space got more and more crowded with thousands of messages vying for the same consumers’ attention as more and more digital channels appeared. Suddenly, the consumer is overwhelmed with too many messages in too many channel options to maintain. Sound familiar?

The most effective marketing is the result of crafting one’s key messages into creative and then placing into the medium/channels most frequented by the target profile. If you do this well, you can likely interest your prospect in hearing the rest of your story.

If you don’t do this well and make the mistake of thinking your prospect is as interested in your story as you are, your message likely becomes white noise alongside the thousands of messages competing for their attention.

At The Goss Agency, we have the skills and tools to identify your most compelling distinction and communicate it in the most effective and consistent manner over time. This is our definition of a “Brand.”

To find out more about how our conceptual advertising can connect your prospects with your brand, contact Gabrielle Diepenbrock at

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