

This is where the magic happens. It all comes down to the idea in front of your prospects. Does it touch their emotions? If not, it’s not worth the ink or pixels it’s written with. This is where TGA excels: taking a brand’s supporting experiences or facts, and communicating them in a manner that makes your prospects laugh, smile, think, and feel. And guess what? When they do, they remember. Clients comment that our campaigns are “so different from one another and from what is out there in the industry.” That is because our process truly identifies the unique features and experiences and communicates them in a manner that connects emotionally and personally. Emotional connections are highly effective opportunities to produce brand awareness, association, and loyalty.

Our message is developed and is expressed in design that truly comes from elements distinctive to the brand, rather than design trends. We create the message to transcend across all media outlets. We then take it home and stand it on the fireplace mantel overnight and study it and sleep on it.

We have a saying about designing versus decorating: “If it’s not adding, it’s taking away.”

TGA executes its standard of excellence process for all known creative projects:

  • Logo/Branding
  • Themeline Development
  • Outdoor/POP/In-store
  • Ad Campaigns: digital, traditional, direct
  • SEM, PPC, Remarketing, Key Phrase/Word Banking
  • Website Design/Programming

  • Banners
  • Wayfinding/Signage
  • Collateral
  • Broadcast, TV, Radio/Direct Mail
  • Motion Footage
  • Mobile App
  • Press Kit
  • Group Promotions/Tour Operator Packages
  • Packaging Design/Development

  • …and some yet to be discovered.