9+ Ways to Improve Your Video Marketing


Video is fast becoming an essential part of any businesses’ marketing mix. Here are some video marketing tips for creating better content and how to get more eyeballs on the videos you create.

  1. 2 Minutes or less

Data shows that “more than 80% of viewers watched one that was 30 seconds or shorter, while less than 70% watched one that was one to two minutes long.”

  1. Upload directly to Facebook

Facebook rewards users who take the time to not just post a link out to a video that lives on YouTube, but for users to actually upload the video directly to Facebook.

  1. Choose thumbnails wisely

Facebook, along with other video-sharing services, often let you select a thumbnail of one of your videos stills, so don’t let it auto-select when possible; choose the one you think will garner the most attention.

  1. Share across all your outlets

Customize the text to accompany your video based on the channel, but go ahead and pin, tweet, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, send a link in your newsletter, upload onto your website, etc. the videos you create. Use all means possible to promote your videos since people consume them in various ways.

  1. Optimize for discovery

“Optimize your video’s title, description, tags and other surrounding text so you have more than a fighting chance of appearing in the search results.”

  1. Remember your video doesn’t have to be cinema quality

“Viewers can sense when they’re watching someone whose passion is genuine and motivations are true.”

  1. Try livestreaming

New tools like Periscope, Meerkat, and Blab have all hit the market and are causing a stir. People like the unscripted, real-time content.

  1. Get familiar with video-editing tools

Buffer recommends these video editing tools to help businesses create better videos.

  1. Essential Guide to Video Marketing: A Resource for Marketers

Read this guide from Social Media Examiner filled with tons of information about video marketing.

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